Meet Gary Dean. The expatriate Australian who went from budding musician, Breeding, director of the Programmer Okusi Associates here in Indonesia.
How long have you lived in Indonesia and what brought you here first place?
I lived in Indonesia since 1996, and first and foremost, I came here because it was not in Australia. Psychologically, Australia choking me; it is an over-regulated, orderly country, self-satisfied who is in love with his own image. I desperately need some disorder in my life; and Indonesia offer this in trucks! In Indonesia, absolutely nothing can be taken for granted.
How did you study livestock to become the director and principal consultant for Okusi Associates?
It may seem incongruous, but in fact, I see great logic continuity in my journey to where I am today. But for me, my starting point is not breeding, but the trombone.
I attended a high school government "special" where music was an important part of the curriculum. For over three years I spent on average 20 hours a week doing trombone lessons, rehearsals of the concert band, and courses in music theory, in addition to regular concerts throughout the year.
The back-to-the-land movement was strong at that time, with all hippie worthy of the position in the country to live in agrarian communes, or at least talk to the ! This was the beginning of my interest in agriculture and livestock in particular. I began raising dairy goats, first in Tasmania and in Fremantle, Western Australia. I formalized my interest by a number of college courses including a Certificate in Animal Technology, Certificate in Nursing for animals, and an associate's degree in agricultural technology.
However, my farming career was cut short: I work as a computer programmer with a front company for the Australian Labor Party. This company was created specifically to undertake the offices and campaign activities for the ALP throughout Australia, state and federal. In addition to being seen as politically "reliable" in some sense, it seems that I am among the very few at that time (1985), who knew nothing about programming the new published IBM Personal Computer. I had developed a formulation program cost diets for ruminants (goats, sheep, cattle) for a number of small laptops. So I immersed into the world of the dominant political campaign as an engineer of computer systems, the development of programs to opinion polls, the electorate of management and mass direct mail.
In 1993, I was burned. I had to change, and I really need to get out of Australia, as I formalized a plan. I propose to Indonesia. Why? Because it was close, interesting, and potentially not boring. I started full-time Indonesian language training in 1994 by an associate degree in linguistic studies a Metropolitan College before transferring to baccalaureate Murdoch University's Asian Studies program. My first year in this course made me Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta as part of ACICIS program. And so began my adventure Indonesian.
In 1997, while continuing to UGM, I set up a consulting firm in Yogyakarta called Okusi Associates ( catering to the furniture industry was booming. I set up companies for foreigners wishing to manufacture and export, as well as assist with government and community relations. 1997 was not a good year to start a company of any kind in Indonesia if you allow understatement. The country has collapsed under the weight of the Asian financial crisis and the repressive Soeharto regime tottered. Everything fell into a heap in May 1998, but I had nowhere else to go. Unlike tens of thousands of sensitive foreigners who have completed and left, I stayed.
So this is what happens when you take the trombone. I really often wonder what would have happened if I had learned the piano instead.
Could you tell us what you specialize in and what kind of services provides Okusi?
Okusi craft heart is setting up the PMA. When starting in Yogyakarta, I quickly understood me that the creation of a company in Indonesia was not so much a legal problem, sociological. The strictly legal aspects of the establishment of an LDC were relatively easy. What was difficult - and what remains difficult -. A deal with predatory government officials to obtain permits required to operate a business
Once a company is established, foreigners almost always require using work permits and tax compliance. For this reason, we have added immigration and tax reporting in 2006. Okusi has always maintained a full-time search section to investigate and gather information for clients who wish to invest in Indonesia.
Indonesia 128th class of 185 in the ease of doing Business Report 2013, Bloomberg still is encouraging investment in the booming economy of the Indonesia. Do you think the government is enough to invite foreign investors transparent and stable Indonesia?
The investment boom in Indonesia in the last six or seven years is undeniable, but why? Although Indonesia has come a long way since 1998 in terms of its democratic institutions and the investment climate, many parts of the old regime remained stubbornly resistant to reform.
The Autonomous Region statutes of 1999 led to a massive expansion of the system of corruption, which was over far less centralized. Besides the central government and provincial governments 33, there are now over 400 regency (kabupaten) governments and all institutions can (and do) make their own rules, regulations and policies.
superimposed on it is a predacious and xenophobic culture within the unit of the Indonesian state, politicians, bureaucrats, police and military, assuming that the world owes them something, the foreigners in particular. Does the average Indonesian care bureaucrat on foreign investment? No, they do not really do. And in fact, could do with suspicion.
Indonesia has done well in recent years, not because of government but in spite of the government. Also, because Indonesia has been largely immune to the global financial crisis of 2008, thanks in part to the hard medicine administered by the IMF in 1997-98, investors have little choice. Indonesia looks good as an investment destination just because the world was / is so bad. It has nothing to do with government reform or changes, as absolutely nothing has changed in a true sense of politics since 2004. In fact, the situation within the bureaucracy has become much worse in the recent years, with arbitrary, sudden changes in regulations and policies were happening continuously at all levels of government.
Despite the chaos in the government, the predatory bureaucracy, and the sense of entitlement by the Indonesian elite, Indonesia is a great place to make money. Indonesia is also inherently very stable in a social sense. Unlike many other developing countries, Indonesia allows 100% foreign ownership in many sectors. Compare that to say, the Philippines or Thailand, where foreign investors are required to take 51% 'partners' premises in all sectors.
I heard that you are recently married, congratulations! How did you meet your wife and where did you get married?
I met my wife in Yogyakarta on a visit there in 2006. She then moved to Okusi Jakarta. I made an honest woman of her in Jakarta last December, the last day of the Mayan calendar. As we all now know, the world has not ended, so now I think I'm stuck with it. It is just as well that I love him.
Do you plan to spend in Indonesia, or have you planted permanent roots?
I lived in Indonesia since 1996. I came here with the mindset of an immigrant rather than small. I make occasional trips to other parts of Asia, and made a quick visit to Australia in 1999, but essentially I do not travel much at all.
I have a few weeks off to become an Indonesian citizen, so I guess that means I'm here for good. Almost everything I care about in terms of family, friends, assets and interests are here in Indonesia. So, no, I will not go anywhere.
Thanks Gary! If you really want to annoy Gary Dean, email him at Otherwise, probably best to call him.