Meet Vincent Wolfard. A webmaster Groningen whose playground is the Internet.
- Vincent Wolfard
Can you please describe the nature of your work?
My daily work consists of websites that or, more precisely, making sure others are websites for clients. Our team of web / interaction designers, programmers and editors are technical specialists. I talk to clients about their business and their ideas and advise them on what kind of site they need. A website is no goal in itself. It is just a marketing tool. For most companies, it is an important part of their marketing instruments, but there are also companies that do not require a website.
What I do varies advisor, making documents, planning, online marketing / SEO, new quality control and development of ideas for the sites we operate by ourselves .
How would you describe the work of a web designer in one sentence?
idea Translate is in enterprises with the Internet as the playing field.
Where are your based offices and traveling you a lot?
Our offices are based in Leeuwarden in the Netherlands and in Bandung, Indonesia. At present, I do not travel much. Twice a year I returned to the Netherlands and sometimes we take a detour with a short stop.
Do you find it frustrating to work with technology in Indonesia?
Not really. We have learned to deal with it, I guess. The internet is fast enough here. We use a fixed Internet connection and back-up mobile internet. When there is a power cut, our generator starts to turn. The stabilizer ensures that electricity is stable, so that computers do not break down. We have servers in Indonesia, the United States and the Netherlands and a project management system in line with all project data and track issues.
Of course, we learned how to deal with the hard. That reminds me, I have a frustration:
Why extensions electricity have always taken that do not correspond taken? There is always at least one socket that refused to take the cork!
What mobile phone do you have and do you ever feel like throwing against a wall?
I just ordered a Blackberry after he met another guest who asked for my PIN, I decided that it is impossible not to have a BB in Indonesia. Right now I use a very simple LG phone that can call and SMS and has a life span of the battery than a week.
Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to have a website in Indonesia?
Think about why you want to have a website. What is the objective? What the website should do for you? who are your clients? What do your customers expect from your website? Equip your website with features that meet the needs of your customers. Keep it simple. Do not build the most complex website you can think of, but start small. It is always possible to develop in the future. Consider usability and conversion and always think from the perspective of the user. Nobody cares about your vision and mission!
If you could invent anything to make it easier Indonesia working life, what would it be?
I develop a new travel service. A weekend full of bike paths, horse riding, fishing, cutting trees, barbecues and drinking beer in the jungle. The thing every man needs after sitting behind a computer for too long.
If you could invent anything for fun, what would it be?
In Bandung streets are full of angkot minivans used for public transport. People are involved and when they want to stop, they say, "Kiri kiri." Triggered by the Kiri Kiri sound, Angkot stops and moves to the left side of the road, blocking everything else on the road. Be an engine driver, I hate those Angkot So for fun, I invent small devices that can be placed on motorcycles who say "Kiri Kiri," when you press a button Press while driving. on the right side of the Angkot and Angkot cease, leaving a confused driver no idea who said, "Kiri kiri."
Mischievous What do you think is the best - iPad2 or the Toshiba tablet
Ipad unparalleled ease of use [
and finally, what's your favorite app right now?
Skype. Nothing beats calling friends and family the other side of the world for almost nothing.
Thank you Vincent. to contact, send an email to